Showroom opening coincides with strong local growth for world’s largest distributor of electronics and maintenance products

RS Components, the world’s largest high service distributor of electronics and maintenance products has opened an industry-leading concept showroom in Brisbane on the back of strong industry growth in the resources, process manufacturing and transport sectors.

The revamped and renovated showroom with a re-profiled stock line coincides with the biggest year by turnover RS Components has experienced in the ANZ region. RS Components anticipates this growth to continue over the coming year with trade expected to double on the back of the Queensland showroom and wider-market demand.

The showroom has one of the largest stock holdings of automation and manufacturing control components in Australia and New Zealand and in its first month of opening generated a 56% increase on the previous month’s sales for the region.

Automation and process control components provide customers with solutions for instrumentation, automation and optimisation of industrial processes. They are widely used in various growth industries like mining, oil and gas, process manufacturing, transportation and panel building industries.

“We’re proud that our first new concept showroom for the Australian and New Zealand market is in the Queensland region as we have received great customer demand for the range and availability of our automation and process control products in particular,” says Jeremy Edward, Country Manager Australia and New Zealand, RS Components.

“The Queensland showroom maintains the RS Components commitment to high availability and product readiness that we have become known for in Australia and NZ over the last 35 years.

“Our products are available on demand, in store and in stock, so our customers save significantly on the traditional downtime experienced between ordering products and waiting for delivery,” Mr Edward says.

The Brisbane showroom will be used as the concept store to be rolled out to further locations in Australia and New Zealand over the coming year. RS Components has five staff in Queensland and they expect this number to grow with the expanding interest in process and automation control components in the region.

Queensland contractors were hired to undertake the revamp and renovations, injecting $150,000 into the local economy.

RS Components counts the resources industry as a particular catalyst driving growth, with mining companies among RS Component’s largest customers. The education sector is also proving a burgeoning sector.

In Australia and New Zealand the company has a base of around 20,000 transactional customers per year with major brands stocked including Schneider Electric, ABB, Siemens, Omron and Phoenix Contact. RS Components has 170 staff and six offices in the Australia and New Zealand region.

» Contact details for RS Components


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