


To bridge the design worlds of Raspbery Pi, Arduino and 32-bit embedded ARM, element 14 has launched the low cost triple-play Embedded Pi platform. As one of a strong pipeline of exclusive Raspberry Pi accessories element 14 plans this year, Embedded Pi is available through Farnell element14 in Europe and CPC in the UK and Ireland. The new platform allows the Raspberry Pi to interface directly with Arduino shields. It features a STMicroelectronics STM32F103 microcontroller, is supported with easy to use design examples and users can download CooCox development tools, a free and easy-to-use ARM development tool environment for Cortex-M MCU. Raspberry Pi and the STM32 MCU can work independently or in conjunction with each other to control the Arduino shields or other accessories. Embedded Pi can work as a hardware connection bridge between Raspberry Pi and Arduino shields or as a base platform and the STM32 controls the Arduino…